Easter is a time of family, joy, and CANDY! Easter may mean many different things to many
different people. you may believe that Easter is a time when Jesus rose from
the dead. Or, a special day when the Easter bunny comes at the break of dawn
and puts a big basket full of candy on your porch. Maybe it’s just a usual Sunday
and you can watch the Easter parade but, overall, it means nothing, to you. But
to me oh, it’s special; I and my family have a big feast with a spiral ham
spewing out juice, and a big bowl of peas, with a side of warm corn pudding. But, Food
is not what makes the Sunday. Easter is
much more than just food it is a time of joy when you can spend pure life with
your family and rejoice for what you have. Because some people don’t have a house,
or, food but most of all Family. Family
is the most precious thing on earth they are there for you 247 and you should appreciate
that. That’s all I wanted to say, but try and remember those two little last sentences
or try to think about them and then think about how it makes you feel.